Student Day in Detroit!

The ASCE Southeastern Branch - Technical Activities Committee along with The 50k Coalition is pleased to invite students and civil engineering professionals to the inaugural Student Day in Detroit event. This event will take place on October 20th , 2018 and will include a networking event at Wayne State University followed by member-led tours of several on-going, high profile projects occurring in the City of Detroit. During the networking portion on the event, attendees are can learn more about ASCE and The 50k Coalition.
Date: October 20, 2018
Location: Wayne State University
& Networking : 8AM - 9:30AM
Tour : 9:30AM - 5:00PM
Networking dinner : 5:30PM - 8:00PM
Cost: : $20 for ASCE Members, $30 Non-members
If you are interested, our student chapter will be providing transportation to and from Detroit to you free of charge.
Sign up Deadline Wednesday October 10th!